Contact Us 510 815 3963
Lauren W. Fox
Co-Founder Starlight Health Center
Vortex Tour Guide, Spiritual Mentor
New Earth Architect
Lauren Willow Fox is an advanced practitioner of Chi Nei Tsang, applied Chi Kung to the Internal Vital Organs and meridian systems. Trained by Taoist Grand Masters, this is a 5000 year old Taoist Shamanic Healing Art and the root of all Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture, herbalism, reflexology and Chi Kung. She is also an advanced practitioner of Somatic Stress and Trauma Release and specializes in releasing the memories stored in the nervous system and brain stem with the trauma release quivering method freeing up vital life force, facilitating a deeper connection to oneself and well-being. She combines her skills with spiritual mentoring with various other shamanic and quantum healing methods and intuitive guidance to address deep layers of emotional and energetic blockages. She describes this as Touch Therapy: energy work combined with massage and guided meditation for ultimate holistic healing on multidimensional levels. With a focus on clearing the seven subtle bodies, soothing touch, and deep listening to your needs, it creates a synergistic field, amplifying deep change and healing potential. Whether you're seeking relaxation, pain and stress release, or profound spiritual growth, Touch Therapy offers a long lasting solution and shifts timelines.
Adv. Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner
Adv. Somatic Stress Release Practitioner
Level 4 Arcturian Healing Method
Reiki Master
Chi Kung Teacher
Vortex Tour Guide
Spiritual Mentor
Ceremony Facilitator (Cacao, Fire, Grief, etc)
Pathkeeper & Guardian Stargate Mystery School
Biodanza Facilitator
Medicine Journey Facilitator
Dance Journey Facilitator
Soul Contracts Inner Child
Karmic Contract Clearing
Entity Clearing 7 Subtle bodies
Aromatherapy with Essential Oils
Detox facilitator
Medicine maker and herbalist
Lauren mission is to awaken others to their 5th dimensional consciousness and help with humanity's transformation to the New Earth timeline. She's been a Guide in Mount Shasta for 6 years, assisting group leaders from all over the world.
She is trained by Taoist Grand Masters, Reiki Masters and initiated through the Stargate Mystery School learning earth-based ways of prayer and shamanic healing, working closely with the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and medicine path teachers. She facilitates cacao, fire and water ceremonies, drum circles, and ecstatic dance journeys.
She is certified in Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage, Somatic Stress & Trauma Release offering the Quivering Method, Biodanza, Arcturian Healing Method, Inner Child Soul healing, Ancestral Karmic healing, Entity Clearing.
Ways to Work with Me
In-Person Sessions
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Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
Vortex Tours
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.
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